Monday, May 29, 2006


Ah sweet, sweet vacation. Only one day left, but oh what I've gotten done. My first day I spents sewing. Fixed up my favorite summer purse with new handles and new buttons. Also made a little draw string bag (this will be good for carrying sock projects around in).

I finally sewed in this zipper. Not the cleanest job, but it gets the job done.

But, the big one is the lamb, all done (mine is the lighter one). Still need to fine tune the pattern, but I'm quite happy with the turn out

And of course, it just wouldn't be a proper post if there wasn't a picture of Archie. This is one of his favorite places to sleep.

Other than that my long weekend/vacation has been wonderful. Had a great couple days with my best friend LK. Did some shopping, went to a BBQ, and still had time to sew and relax. Archie is worn out from all the excitement, and I must say I'm a little beat too. The boyfriend has the camera this week so I won't have any more pictures utnil next weekend. Should have plenty to show off by then.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So many knitters

So, I've been "surfing the net" this morning (I'm on vacation and the dog is at the vet) and I'm realizing that there are A LOT of knitters out there. I mean, I knew there were a lot, but this is crazy. Check here, here, here, and here. How am I going to compete? All the good ideas are taken (there's even another Purl Girl), and everyone is writing books, which was my next venture. But, no regrets, I'm still well experienced (it's not like I started yesterday) and I have a lot of other crafty talents too. What I need to do is team up with some computer geek and get a really cool web-site. I mean come on, how many people really read this? (I appreciate everyone that does, thank you). I need some flare, an edge, something to make me different, something to get me noticed. Maybe tomorrow...

So, what's in the works? Well, as stated above, the dog, Archie, is at the vet. Yes, he's getting neutered, as most dogs should be. If there is one thing this world has too much of it's stray pets. Stop the madness, spay or neuter your pet today!
And on a knitting note, I'm still making the bags. I'm also crocheting a lamb. A lamb you ask? Long story, but I'll share with you anyway. Ever since I can remember my grandmother has had this stuffed crocheted lamb. As kids we use to play with it and take it home with us until our next visit; this thing went through a lot. My mom and her brothers and sister played with it too I think. With it's looped fleece, black button eyes and floppy ears it has held up great over the past 50 years, yes, 50 years. A couple weeks ago I remembered this little lamb and figured I could probably copy the pattern, if I could just see the lamb again, so I quickly called up Grandma. I asked her if she still had it and sure enough she did. It's looking a little worn out, but there still plenty there to copy. And for the first time I heard the story of how this little lamb found my Grandmother.

My Grandma use to work in an egg factory and one year for Christmas one of her co-workers made it just for her. I guess they were doing a "secret Santa" and this co-worker saw to it that she'd get my grandmother's name, which is Mary. The reason for this was so she could say that "Mary had a little lamb." Now isn't that cute?



Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I know, I know, it's been awhile...

So, I've been busy, I'm back now and that's all that matters. Life's busy with a puppy.
I gave up on the bootie project I mentioned in my last blog and I've been making these little things.

A draw string bag with a lion patched on...

Wrist bans with little patches (the blue one gives me super sewing powers)...

A little baby hat with a flower...

A doggie bag. Get it???

And a chicken bag...

All the above items I'm considering mass producing and selling at an upcoming show. Give me your thoughts on them please... Would you buy a bag with a chicken on it?
For the animal shapes I'm using cookie cutters, turned out to be the easiest thing to use. Plus, since I don't make cookies that often, it puts them to use. I'll have more coming up, in all colors and designs.

And of course, the weather turned a bit chilly so I knitted up this little sweater for Archie. It keeps him warm, and when he gets too warm he takes it off, then chews on it...
We're still having lots of fun with him.

He's going to be a movie star...
