Friday, September 29, 2006

Getting there

Still working on the list, but I am getting closer. I put the finishing touches on this tikes sweater. Don't know who it's for yet, but I'm sure there's a little person out there that could use it.

Ahhh, we have snakes! These weren't on the list, but I did finish them this week. They only took minutes, in fact I think sewing the eyes on took the longest. They're so much fun though.

And what is this you ask? It's the unfinished, matching sweater to go with the booties and hat I made for Mark's sister. Hopefully it'll be done this weekend.

These I finished the week before last, but never posted them so here they are. They're mainly just scraps that I wanted to use up so I made scarves. Aren't they great color?

One last picture. Poor Archie, he's just too little for the big stairs. The cats like to sit here and tease him. After all, isn't that what cats do best?

Later, Anna

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Back to Knitting

Wow, has it really been that long? Sorry for making you all wait so long for one of my fun filled adventures, but hey, I've been lazy, I mean busy. So, what am I working on now you ask? First, I've got to clean this room.

It's suppose to be my sewing room, but as you can see it's also the dog's room, the file room, and the junk room. I made a little headway shortly after taking this photo, but I still have a ways to go. Along with that I have also been knitting. Here is a little sweater I'm almost finished with.

Just need to sew up the seams and find some cute little buttons for it. I also made a little hat and some booties for Mark's sister's baby (due any day now).

I'm submitting a pattern to so cross your fingers for me and I'll let you all know it if gets published. So, my next goal is to finish all the projects that have been in the works for months now. You can all be my witnesses to this list and each time I finish an item I'll post it on my blog. Let's just see if I can get all this done before it's time to get started on Christmas presents.

1. Baby sweater(s)

2. Lace edging for Grandma

3. Red socks

4. Peach baby sweater and green sweater for me

5. Stuffed lion

6. Red Pillow

7. Lincoln log blanket

8. Purses

9. Lace edging for mom

I think that's it for now, I just hate having so many unfinished projects. I'll let you know if any more pop up.

