Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Practice make perfect.

Me? Practice?
Yes, I've been practicing because my tension is off. What the hell? I don't remember it being this bad before. But, on a few of my last projects it was "far too predominant." So, I've been practicing, and damn it let me just say, I'm a good knitter, so why is this happening?
After a few experiments I realize that I have better control over the tension when I hold the yarn in my right hand. Now, I've always knit with the yarn in my left hand (I blame it on the fact that I learned crochet first). Anyway, I'm not as fast with it in my right hand, but it is looking better. This is my after shot. I'm way too embarrassed to shot you the before shot:)

I've made some progress on my sleeveless sweater. It was a challenge figuring out how to alter the lace neckline pattern to work with my gauge, but I did it and so far it looks like it is going to work. I hope to have the lace done by the weekend.

Here's a great little book I picked up.

...and the only thing I've done with this yarn (what I got at the Ren Fest) is ball it, by hand. I still don't know what I want to make with it. Maybe I'll make that a priority for this weekend.

Another project I'm working on are two shawls, or ponchos, for my nieces. I found a couple patterns,but ending up making up my own. I just couldn't find the pattern I was picturing in my head, so I started with a crochet pattern, and altered it a little, and now I'm knitting it instead of crocheting it. You use less yarn that way. I hope I get the tension right...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Warm Digits

This is my favorite time of year to knit. It's just starting to get
cold outside, the extra blankets are pulled out of the closet for the
bed, winter socks dug out of the back of the dresser drawer, and hot tea
replaces iced tea. It's time to make socks, and mittens,

and maybe a hat or two. So, let's forget about the "list" for now. Priorities are
changing and with Christmas approaching it's very unlikely that I'll get
anything for myself done, or even started.

Here's me and the new baby in the family.

...and a new dog bone.

House work is suffering and last week I put off laundry for 5 days.
Not a record, but getting close. I've been letting the dishes pile up
and I've hardly yelled at the bf for leaving his stuff all over the
place. It's hard work being a knitter, especially when you have a day job that doesn't allow "knit time." What is this world coming to? Don't they realize I'd be more productive and happier if I was just able to knit a little during the day. Instead I try to cram it into my lunch
schedule and between dealing with the dog and trying to knit I hardly
have time to eat most days. Huh? Knitting before eating, maybe I should
rethink that. No way, I can eat whenever, but knitting time is precious.

Here's the new yarn I picked for the sleeveless sweater I'm working on. Better than the green, isn't it?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sunday we hit the Ren Fest! There were knights, witches, wrenches, and peasants galore. Plus some lovely sheep and lots and lots of mud. I'm not crazy about the costumes and theatrics of the fair, but I do enjoy the fall weather and food. Oh, and there is one little booth with handspun yarn at fairly reasonable prices.

Isn't it pretty? Now I just need to decide what I want it to be.

And here is the picture I promised. Legwarmers! and they are so warm, just in time for the fall weather. I wore them all weekend around the house. I use a cheap-o yarn so that when they get dirty I can just toss them in the washer and not worry about them.

I think I just might finish the peach baby sweater tonight. The green sweater I was making for myself I have put away. I decided at the last minute that I wasn't happy with the yarn I had, so I started a new one with different yarn. My boyfriend says I'm indecisive, I don't know if I agree with him yet...


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

More on the "List"

Well, I have gotten a little further down the list. I finished a sleeve on the peach sweater, and I've made a little progress on the green sweater (I'll have photos of that next time). But I think I'm adding more to the list than removing. I found some new socks that I want to make with this red yarn. Hopefully these will get done in a timely manner.

I made this... and it's mate. I'll tell you what they are later.

And I made a couple of swatches and have plans to make a couple of sweaters once all this other stuff is "done." I've been putting off the lace that is on the list, for no reason other than I'm just not in a lace mood. I know, that's no excuse. I did finish one of the purses though. Let's see where I'm at, here is an updated "list."

1. Peach baby sweater

2. Lace

3. One purse (instead of two)

4. New red socks

5. Green sweater

6. Baby blanket

7. Red Pillow

8. Mom's lace

9. Two sweaters (for me)

Well, there are no less, but at least there are no more either. I don't know what I would do if I actually finished my list and had nothing in the works, so maybe it's good to have too many soups on the stove, for me anyway this is what works.

One another note... Mark's sister had a baby girl and we're going to go see her tonight, can't wait!!

Later -Anna

p.s. sorry if the formatting is a little weird, not sure what is going on with this blogger...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I get further down my list each day. Here is the finished sweater for Melissa's baby. It's blocking as I type.

I have a box and a tin full of buttons, and yet, I had to go buy these because I couldn't find five matching buttons to match the sweater. Go figure.

While buying buttons I found a great deal on some yarn. This is going to be a sweater for me, someday...

One more to knock off the list. I decided I was never going to finish the red socks, so I ripped them out and I'll find something else to make with the yarn.

So, that's what is off the list for now. I am adding to the list though, so you might see things that weren't originally on it. I got a new knitting book today too, Last Minute Knitted Gifts, I've been dying to buy it and finally ordered it on-line where it was cheaper. It's awesome, but it's not helping me with shortening my list...
