Practice make perfect.
Yes, I've been practicing because my tension is off. What the hell? I don't remember it being this bad before. But, on a few of my last projects it was "far too predominant." So, I've been practicing, and damn it let me just say, I'm a good knitter, so why is this happening?
After a few experiments I realize that I have better control over the tension when I hold the yarn in my right hand. Now, I've always knit with the yarn in my left hand (I blame it on the fact that I learned crochet first). Anyway, I'm not as fast with it in my right hand, but it is looking better. This is my after shot. I'm way too embarrassed to shot you the before shot:)

I've made some progress on my sleeveless sweater. It was a challenge figuring out how to alter the lace neckline pattern to work with my gauge, but I did it and so far it looks like it is going to work. I hope to have the lace done by the weekend.

Here's a great little book I picked up.

...and the only thing I've done with this yarn (what I got at the Ren Fest) is ball it, by hand. I still don't know what I want to make with it. Maybe I'll make that a priority for this weekend.