Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek at what I've been working on this week. I still have two bags in the works, but I thought it was time for a break (I know it's break time when my hand goes numb, it's throbbing now so I should be able to pick up the needles again soon).
These are a few of the things that I will have for sale at the show in September, which is only 5 weeks away. Yikes! Only five weeks, and I have so much more to do.

This will make 15 bags in all. They are all different sizes and designs. The original plan was to make them all the same except for the color and animal. However, I got really tired of knitting the same old pattern over and over, so I just made up different designs as I went, and I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

After these I have few more knitted things I'm making, then it's embroidery time, that's were the real work comes in, blood, sweat and tears. I'll have up-dates of the progress as the weeks go by. I also hope to have my web-site up dated with more photos before the show. We'll just see how much I actually get done.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bag Lady

These bags have been a project I've been working with on and off now. Part to use up yarn and part to have a few additional items to sell at the show. This first one I just might keep.

#1. A bulky white knit with a lovely cable down the center. Kind of a fall sweater look with a vintage button and calico lining.

#2. This is a blend of three different yarns that I got from Elinor. It's a lovely shade of purple and pink with an elegant satin lining.

#3. This petite zipper bag would be perfect for you smaller items such as: cash, coin and credit cards, powder and lip stick, or that pile of business card you've been meaning to sort.

#4 & #5. All that's left here are the linings, zipper and handles. Voila!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Never ending supply

I feel like I never have time anymore to just sit and reflect. If I did I would probably have this blog up-dated more often, and I would probably write more per blog entry. So, what keeps me from all this? What is it that prevents me from going on, and on, and on about my life and my knitting? Is it my real job? Is it the new puppy? Take a look at the following projects (and the ones from bag lady ) and you decide.

Oink, oink. Here's another cookie cutter draw string bag. There are many more to come cause I just found more animal cookie cutters that are so cute. To see all the finished ones check out my new web-site here. Keep in mind it's still in the beginning stages.

Next I have a little crocheted sweater with pearl buttons. (I'm thinking about embroidering some starburst on the collar too).

And a couple unfinished projects here. The green item here is the beginning of a sleeveless sweater for me, and the peach is that baby sweater I've been working on for about two months now (maybe longer), almost there though, only the sleeves left.

And my new purse. I had been planning to make a purse with this fabric for awhile now and the other day after work I decided it was time. This purse is perfect and custom made just the way I like it. It's roomy, has a medium size pocket on the inside and then a smaller pocket inside that one. An adjustable strap (yes, tying a knot in the strap makes it "adjustable") and a nice big flap so nothing falls out, if I'm lucky.

Along with all of this I just started a blue baby sweater and have a stuffed animal pattern I'm trying to invent which is going surprisingly well. I'll post that soon. Oh, and I just got some great deals at the local yarn store the yarn barn.

Let's talk briefly about how I managed these deals, shall we? Once a year downtown Lawrence is swamped with people all after one thing, deals. That's right folks, it's the downtown sidewalk sales. I chanced it this year and hit the yarn store first thing this morning before work. I got what I wanted, paid and ran away as fast as I could. If the crowd wasn't bad enough with the rude people, the grabbing, pushing, shoving, not to mention the crying babies, and freaked out dogs; it was also in the 100's today. I think we might have hit 104 by 3:00pm. What kind of crazies would even bother? Are the sales that great? Are the deals better in July than what they are the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas? Probably not. I avoid the sidewalk sale at all cost, having been dragged through it once I have sworn never to go back, unless of course it's for yarn, or maybe some really great shoes.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006



This I started last week and it is now a purse. (I'll have picutres of it soon).

I finished my blue socks, yes both of them.

I even had time to make some kid socks.

And a little hat.

More photos soon. I have a lot to share.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"It's the freak 'in forth of July!"

Ok, it's the fifth, but that was the best quote I heard yesterday.
Me and the bf headed downtown last night to catch the city fireworks. We found a nice spot on the grass where we laid our blanket and sat. The crowds gathered and most of the other people headed across the bridge to get a better view. About 50 minutes later the show started. What can I say? Wow, Oh, Ah, Eh! Nope, how about blah, or better yet, WTF?!! It was lame. Maybe it was the atmosphere or maybe it was the dry grass poking out of the blanket, or maybe it was the really lame fireworks. I don't know. All I know is that after about 10 minutes I decided I couldn't take anymore. I hesitated because I knew Mark was really enjoying the show and I didn't want to ruin his night, but I finally I just had to say something. I've seen enough, how about you? To my surprise he was ready to go as well. He started folding up the blanket pretty much with me still on it. So we were off, there's the forth for ya...

Speaking of things not to celebrate... Today is my last day of vacation. I've been out of the office for 6 days now, and I can't say that I'm looking forward to a full work day tomorrow. So today, to prove my vacation was worth it I'm enjoying a lunch consisting of cheese balls, two brownies and a coke. These past six days have all kind of been like that. My vacation is my excuse for everything. Should I buy this? Should I eat this? Should I spend my time doing this? Usually the answer would be no, but this week it has been Yes! I'm on vacation! It's like I have immunity to the consequences of these actions while on vacation. Will I still pay the price? Will I have to start eating healthy again? Will I be short on cash until payday? Will I find other, more productive things I could have spent my time on? Yes, yes, and yes. Did I have a wonderful, relaxing vacation? Yes! and that's all that matters.

Well, I had some photos to show you, but they're not downloading right now. I'll try next time.
